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I am truth.

I listen closely to my inner voice.

I express myself with clarity, compassion and creativity.

W5 Evening: Offerings


Consider the following prompts:

What came up for you during the nonviolent communication exercises today? Do you feel able to identify the needs that are beneath your impulses?

How well are you able to communicate your needs to others? What is your work in this area?

What came up for you in writing down and expressing out loud your affirmations? Are you able to speak to yourself in a way that externalizes what is in your heart? What qualities in Jessica do you admire? 

How willingly do you express yourself to others? Do you feel able to speak freely and without fear of judgment? Do you judge others for speaking their minds?

How do you know when you are speaking from a place of truth? What does it feel like? How does this compare to when you are coming from a place of reactivity?

In life, what activities do you enjoy that are creative? 

Have you ever heard yourself say or think that you are “not a creative person”? How might you be able to understand this differently after listening to Jack Kornfield’s talk?

Can you feel how aligned your creativity is with your connection to life, vitality, and spirit? How might you want to connect with your creativity after any new insights that you’ve gleaned today?

Which practices from today most resonated with you? What would you like to carry forward with you?


Create an intention for the rest of the week around your daily practice. How has it been going in Weeks 1-4? From the content of all five weeks, which practice(s) will best support you this week? Create an intention that will serve you this week.


Sound Meditation with Rudra Bach

W5 Evening: Offerings

Thank you for joining for Week 5! We would *love* to host a group call for the Mindful Mondays community and are gauging interest. If you'd like to join, please let us know and we'll be in touch with the details.

W5 Evening: Text

©2020 by Mindful Mondays

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