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Reaching Out to the Sun



I am awake, alive, and healthy.

When I slow down, I enjoy the simplest things life has to offer.

I receive joy with each breath I take.

W2 Evening: Offerings


Choose which practice(s) from today you would like to continue practicing this week. Create an intention for the rest of the week with this in mind.


Instructions: (read through before laying down)


For this sound meditation, feel free to lay down in bed or take a comfortable seated position

Close your eyes or use an eye mask 

Take 3 deep breaths and then let your breath settle into its natural rhythm

Focus your mind’s attention on your sense of listening - what are the sounds that are present within your space?

Notice any silence, too, in between any sounds.

Notice any thoughts, stories, or judgments that arise in response to the sounds around you, and let them pass through you. Focus just on the sound itself.

Sound Options:


Use just the natural sounds in your space in the background

Use a birdsong background

Use an ocean waves background

W2 Evening: Offerings

Thank you for joining for Week 2! We would *love* to host a group call for the Mindful Mondays community and are gauging interest. If you'd like to join, please let us know and we'll be in touch with the details.

W2 Evening: Text
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